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Digital Transformation in Publishing

Dennis Publishing

Dennis Publishing

Tech used: React, JavaScript, GraphQL, Apollo, Jest

Digital Transformation in Publishing
Digital Transformation in Publishing
Digital Transformation in Publishing

Dennis was one of the leading publishers of magazines in the UK, before it was eventually acquired by Future Plc in 2021.

When I joined Dennis Publishing in 2019, we were at the very beginning of a digital transformation process, that would take the magazine websites such as The Week, AutoExpress or IT Pro from a monolithic Drupal system onto a more flexible, custom-built platform.

I was hired at Dennis primarily due to my experience single-handedly building a publishing platform for Raconteur, a much smaller publisher. The experience I have gained there would be valuable for the transformation of Dennis' platform.

When I joined

Prior to me joining, the team at Dennis had been working on their new platform for around 6 months. The tech stack was largely decided and it was now down to implementing a reusable platform that would eventually power 5+ very different content platforms.

The tech stack

The platform was a custom-built SSR (server-side rendered) React application with rudimentary state-management built using React Context and Apollo Client.